
Thursday, November 07, 2013

Grand Palace

Phra Borom Maha Ratcha Wang or popular as Grand Palace. Everyone who came to Bangkok MUST visit this palace. It located at Na Phra Lan Road, Old City (Rattanakosin).
We were there on our second day in Thailand. Luckily that day we don't have to pay the entrance fee. On that day, The Grand Palace only opened to visitor until 1 pm because there will be a ceremony attended by King. 
Normally, Grand Palace open  daily at 08.30 - 15.30. Tickets sold also from 8:30 - 15:30 and cost 400 baht. One ticket includes entry to Vimanmek Palace and Abhisek Dusit Throne Hall.

Grand Palace Complex are a sacred places, visitor must be properly dressed. Men must wear long pants and shirts with sleeves (no tank tops. If you're wearing sandals or flip-flops you must wear socks (in other words, no bare feet.) Women must be similarly modestly dressed. No see-through clothes, bare shoulders, etc. During our visit, we often met foreigners especially Caucasians using 'temporary  clothes' that provided in a booth near the gate (deposit are required).

I'll continue on the next post.

Wednesday, November 06, 2013

First Trip

11th May 2013.

Sawadee ka...

I often intend to write down about my trip with Hilda before. Finally, this time has arrived :)
That was my first abroad trip. And we're heading to Bangkok!! It was only two of us, on our very first abroad and Hilda. Especially for Hilda, that were also her very first time on plane.

We've planned this trip from early of 2013. Because we didn't use any travel tour, we planned everything alone before or an the spot. Everything...start from the plane and all the itinerary. The joy of this kind of travel is they are flexible....we could easily change our mind about our plan :)

Our plane landed at Don Mueang Int'l Airport of Bangkok in the morning. We have to take taxi to Bangkok downtown, about half an hour ride from airport. The thing about Bangkok's taxi is...they will charged you too much if you don't make yourself clear about the destination. For that trip from airport to downtown Bangkok, we have to pay 400 THB, those exclude 40 THB for airport taxi fees in advance. From what I've read before, it only cost about 250 - 350 THB from Don Mueang Airport.

Bangkok's taxi driver seems don't have a lot differences with Indonesian taxi driver. They were gladly take extra income from foreigner, by charged too much...or pretend to not know what are we're talking about. Well...we've learn those misfortune :)

From what I saw, city landscape of Bangkok  didn't have a lot of differences with Jakarta. Things I could say is Bangkok has a better public transportation.

I'll share another story later ^^

Thursday, May 09, 2013

Cow pou

Currently sleeping....

Tuesday, May 07, 2013


Love to sky jumped pou in the sky...

Post op

Thankfully its all over. The operation went very well. Now just the time for recovery.
I will remember those days on Azra....

Things at playground

One picture capture my friend...having a phone conversation while riding the ride^^
On the other hand, there's four kids hanging leasurely in mango tree at the playground.
This playground so popular these days. One reason is because the air so hot on the house, so we like to sit under the trees in the playground. Lot of childrens like to play here these days, its school vacation. Elementary student in Indonesia currently having the national exam, for the senior....while the juniors are dismissed.

The wind

Monday, May 06, 2013

Bridal Mask a.k.a Gaksital


Just finished the drama less than a week ago. Only find this moment to share the joy i've got from watch this drama.

I really love to watch good korean drama. I put this drama under my GREAT drama categories.
First time hear about this drama is from javabeans, girlfriday and girls at DB. They reviewed it as one of the best k-drama in 2012. Gaksital was originally aired at KBS. But the main problem in Indonesia is: we updated our k drama episodes through internet. Local tv here rarely air updated k-drama...usually its aired waaaayyyy long after it broadcasted in Korea.

Back to Gaksital, when i watch first episode...truthfully...i don't read much about the storyline. All i know was Joo Won will potrait Gaksital or the Bridal Mask. First episode was intriguing and interesting as ever!! The show really good on making the first impression on the drama.

From the first episode to the final episode is one helluva journey!! DAEBAK!! Each episode is unravel a great story, amazing cast, and beautiful cinematography. And they ALWAYS cut the episode at the most tense moment that keep me figdeting and cant wait to continue to the next episode. I can imagine the tension between the aired episode in Korea.

Gaksital take set at early 1930 in Korea (or Joseon at that time). The storyline revolve around the people condition at that time, especially the movement againts Japan's occupation at Joseon. Joo Won is anti hero that turned to hero in the drama, lets just mention him as his character: Lee Kang-To.

What makes the drama great for me is the story and the characters is so rich...that makes you didn't even object about the long episode. I feel like...more is merrier!! When you watch the early episodes, you will HATE Kang-To...but surely end up LUUUUURRRRRVVVVVEEEE HIM!! Kang-To yaaaa!!

Other aspect that i love is its packed with great and amazing action scenes that shot beautifully awesome. The action scenes not the kind of 'arranged action', its really fits the drama reallu well. Will not forget the fashion parade...that should be mentioned here. I love the old fashion style, whether the suit and dress or the hairdo...they all awesome!!

To be fair, the minus thing about this drama is the characters naming. A person can have more than TWO or even MORE name in this drama. You have too keep up to remember all of their name :)

Love to watch and re-watch this drama!!!!

Kang-To ya!!!!!!!!!!

Nikah Siri

Lagi iseng nonton mother's phone ringing. Salah satu kenalannya nelpon untuk diskusi suatu masalah. My mother currently work at one of Indonesian public company yg ngurusin masalah pensiunan. Biasanya memang sering dapat telpon 'semi konsultasi' macam gini.
Topiknya kali ini ternyata soal nikah siri. Ada yang nanya, kl nikahnya nikah siri, msh dapat fasilitas2 pensiunan gak? Kalau kita yang ngerti mah, jawabannya udah jelas...gak!! Istri siri gak ditanggung...begitu juga ama anak2 yang lahir di bawah pernikahan siri itu. Yah...begitulah nasib istri siri.
Eh...ternyata mbak-ku ikut comment juga. Kalau kata dia, gak gampang nikah resmi itu. Di kampungku, ongkos untuk nikah resmi aja more than 1 million. Buat kita mungkin angka sejuta belum ada apa-apanya. Tapi buat masyarakat Indonesia, yg bisa dibilang mayoritas kurang mampu, angka tersebut sangat besar. Selembar surat nikah (atau bentuk buku) gak ada peran signifikan buat kehidupan mereka. Yang penting, sah secara agama dan diakui umum...thats what matters.
Masalah itu yang masih banyak ditemui di masyarakat Indonesia. Kalau udah nikah siri, yang rugi mah perempuan dan juga anak2nya. Masalah mungkin tdk langsung muncul di awal, tapi PASTI muncul di kemudian hari.
Jadi pengen tau, sebenernya ongkos nikah di Indonesia itu seberapa mahalnya siy. Sampai-sampai banyak orang yang memilih nikah siri. Yang dimaksud nikah siri disini bukan nikah siri a la Pak Subur ya hehehehehe....

Monday, February 04, 2013

Sungkyungkwan Scandal

One of my favourite K-Drama. The plot is great.... The cast was amazing. The costumes were totally gorgeous. Right now, my friend Winda is watching this drama. She's keeping to ask me the episode. one by one.
Enjoy it dear!!

todays recap...

Today not going so well for me. But, I still have to thankful for these things:
*thanks for the water my plants nicely
*thanks for Anis and Rani, who sent the report on time. We'll fight again tomorrow ^^
*thanks for Winda, who bring the 'bumbu rawon'. Tonight will be a delicious night.
*thanks for the appetizer...

(late) New Year feel

O.M.G. Its New Year!!! Now its February!!
Time flies sooo fast. Ican't even feel the new year vibe :(
It's been a VERY busy these past three months. I wish I could get a vacation :'(

Sawarna Beach

This is the picture of Sawarna Beach. It was taken on last year, at November 2012. We (me, Mbak Nisa, Jamie and Ida) went there to explore this new found beach (for us…at least….).

The beach located on Lebak Regency, at the south part of Banten Province. not many Indonesian people know about this beach, but actually…it widely known abroad. Tourist from abroad came here because of its beach, especially for the tide. Surfing was the best activity there. Nobody allowed to goes swimming, because its strong waves.

The beach actually part of the traditional village at that location, Sawarna Village (or Desa Sawarna in Indonesian). That where the beach name came from. This village is quite remote, its located about 170 km from Jakarta or 42 km from Palabuhan Ratu (the nearest small city in West Java). The journey we took to this village is quite challenging, the road condition is not equally in well condition. Despite of all the road challenge, the scenery along the way is amazing!!

When we arrived at Sawarna, we have to cross the bridge to reach the village. Yep….the village is separated by river. The bridge is a traditional, made from wire and wood planks. Indonesian people called it “jembatan gantung”, i haven’t find the exact translation in english. In dictionary, it called suspension bridge, but…i think its too sophisticated to describe the bridge at Sawarna :)

From our experience…Sawarna is a must visited spot in Indonesia. The beach is quite clean, the scenery is WOW…and the hospitality of the village people….amazing!!

You can plan your vacation to Sawarna easily. You can choose the transportation mode, up to you. The room to rent is available in all area in the village. The price is set around 130-150 thousand rupiah, for a person (incl meal for 3 times). The best part is, you can search it online…. But, the booking process done in a little bit traditional way, you have to call the manager first to get a booking. No worry, if you want to see the room first, you can always directly pick the most suitable for you. There’s a lot of option at Sawarna Village.